Renewable Power Sources
My book includes information on the use of residential sized solar and wind energy systems and relates to how their expense often negates their installation and use, but gradually, as the book indicates, prices are dropping and government incentives are growing, making it even more affordable than before. Read the info in the book again and seriously consider installing a system of your own.
On another end, where your home location will not permit the installation of solar or wind power systems, or if you rent the home or apartment you live in, you might think you'll never be able to experience the benefits of creating your own power, but I'm going to give you an opportunity to get past this.
If your desire is to be able to generate renewable power, you can do this, anyone can do this, but you just need to shift your perspective as to how to best go about doing it. This is where I can really help you.
 For a moment, imagine if your land area, local wind speeds or ownership of your property was not an issue with respect to generating power from the wind, would you be interested in being part of creating renewable energy? If so, I believe we can work together to make this happen for you.
You can join with me in the installation of one or more large scale wind turbines that will allow you to invest in wind energy and have a piece of a massive wind turbine or wind farm that pays you back on an even greater scale than a residential size turbine ever could.
Granted, you will not be creating your own power, but you will be part of providing wind power for hundreds or thousands of others. When you think of it, what better way is there to help get a better grip on rising energy prices than to be a part of the power company itself.
Statistics have shown that our planet has 5 times the amount of wind power available each year than in all the coal, oil and natural gas we consume every year, so the question is never one of if it's a good idea or if we need it, the question is can we build it where the winds are highest and are there electric transmission lines in that area?
For those with real interest in becoming a part of building a wind farm with me, place your question and comments in our forum and I'll use that to contact you further or to keep everyone up to date on the wind farms development.
We'll need to generate some real money to get it off the ground, but once a genuine intest is proven to the goverments of the area where the farm is planned, additional funding will become available, plus tax incentives galore.

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